Friday, August 24, 2007

Ever have one of those days?

I swear, the past 2 weeks have been pure hell Earth. I have not had time to scratch my nethers let alone do any blogging. My job is in upheaval of a good but frantic kind, my oldest spawn is getting ready to go back to school *cue choir of angels*, my DH is doing as much as possible to do as little as possible and I have been brainstorming like a mad woman. I have at least 4 new ideas written down for when I finish this WIP.

Why is it I get these creative bursts when I am overworked/overstressed? Is it a defense mechanism or something? Does my mind need to escape of be fried? I think so.

On another note, I ripped a hunk out of my right thumb last night and it thumps like a toothache. It makes using my predominate hand a pain in the ass. Ahhh, the tribulations of a writer. Gotta be a plot line in there somewhere.

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