Wednesday, August 1, 2007


I promise, this shall be my only rant about agents ever. *places hand on heart*

Why can't they get together and establish one set of criteria for submission? This one only takes equeries, this one only snail mail. That one wants a two page synopsis, that one wants a 10 pager. So-and-so wants a query and first two chapters. The other one wants one sample page from anywhere in the book. The next one wants a query letter, a 10 page synopsis and first three chapters. One wants it all by email, the other wants it all by post. And yet another has an online submission form.

My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)

I understand, I do. Really. I just need to vent because when you do 15 queries a day, you end up not sleeping in bed wondering if you got mixed up.

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