Thursday, August 2, 2007

Baaaaaaad books

We have all read them. The ones that you roll your eyes at, the ones that are so pathetically sappy they hurt your teeth and the ones that just lie there like a dead dawg. I always finish them because I come from the 'clean your plate' crowd(and just look at my thighs!!). But I finish with these and not only feel cheated money wise but imagination wise.

Recently I read one that had the main character's name as Cassie on the back of the book and Carrie in the body. What the hell?? Somebody was asleep during that project. I can live with the occasionally typo that makes it thru editing. Grammar is not my strong point. That is why I have a Grammar Nazi as a friend. (everybody wave to Elli). But when the body work is just EWWWW, then I get upset.

Granted I am just starting to try and get published, but how did these travesties make it? Seriously, I cannot be alone in my thinking. How do some of these make it?

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