Wednesday, August 1, 2007


The 'first' manuscript is finished, polished and queries have been sent. I stress first because it is not my first. I have been writing manuscripts since sixth grade. Jennifer Rosedale sat at my lunch table and I read a story she wrote. not for class, but just because. I really liked it and thought, "I can do this!"

So I did. I filled notebooks and legal pads with stories and poems and really, really bad songs.

I have most every thing I ever wrote. Some of it is, well, uhm, let's just say it is best left in the tote bag and leave it at that.*blush*

But others are not bad at all. In fact, two of those manuscripts I am re-editing and reworking for my next two projects. And I have an idea for my next paranormal romance, also. Damn how I wish I could type three things at once!!

I love research. Having an obsessive personality, I don't just research, I DROWN MYSELF in it. While writing my just-polished historical manuscript titled WITCHMARK, I would not have been surprised to wake up in a Medieval castle. I have folders just bulging with research, dozens of photocopies and books on various subjects. Medieval castle plans? Got'em. Firefighter equipment? Got it. Work plans and guidelines for Juvenile detention centers? Got that too.

Now if I could just get a real office. My kitchen cupboard is overflowing and none of it is edible.

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