Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Reviewer? Me?

Maybe. I heard that is looking for a romance book reviewer and think, why the hell not. I read constantly anyway. So I sent an email to Damon, the admin and forgot about it. Well he contacted me back and we have been emailing back and forth. This might work out. I just sent him a sample review so here's crossing my fingers!!

Wanna read what I wrote?

Asking for Trouble
BY: Leslie Kelly
Harlequin Blaze
A modern gothic romance, ASKING FOR TROUBLE is a fantastic read. Part of Harlequin's spicier line, the sex is steamy and the characters smoking hot.
Italian bombshell Lotti Santori is sexually frustrated by her five older brothers' attempts at protecting her virtue. She accepts a job researching little known serial killer Josef Zangara in tiny Trouble, Pennsylvania in an attempt to get a break from their well intentioned smothering.
She finds sexy, dark, brooding Simon Lebeaux recovering from wounds he received in a random robbery turned murder attempt. Alone in Seaton house, a former period hotel, Simon is struggling with demons of his memory and ghosts in his present. He does not need Lottie underfoot or in his fantasies. The town gives him wide berth; after all, he is a murderer. Lottie should do the same.
Through a bit of trickery, Lottie ends up staying in Seaton house and firmly in Simon's erotic dreams. Determined to grasp this chance at expanding her sexual horizons without family interference, Lottie sets out to seduce the recovering writer. Did I mention the sex is hot?
The lovers embark on uncovering a mystery that will connect Simon's attack with the long dead serial killer Zangara.
Spunky, sexy and face paced, this book is a one day read. Once you start, you will not want to stop!

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